Saturday, June 5, 2010

Beyond here there be dragons...

You may be wondering why I chose this name for my blog. You may not care at all. None the less I would like to explain myself because I think this phrase and the history behind it is awesome.

When world map makers back in the day reached the end of what was explored land they stopped, fearing the unexplored and just wrote "Beyond here there be dragons". Now for an explorer that had to be intimidating. I can see it now...
" Captain we're about to cross into the unknown! What should we do!?"
" Uh... well... one of three things will happen here,
1) We'll drop off the face of the planet and die.
2) We'll cross into dragon territory, be eaten and burned alive... and also die.
3) We may discover some new land and live and become famous!
"So Captain what is it you want me to do!?"
I just think it would be amazing to be that brave. To absolutely have no idea whats past a certain point. No discovery channel, national geographic, or person saying "It's ok its just more land and more water! Lots of amazing things to discover! Go for it!" It's crazy to me.

People could do that and I have a hard time settling in a new job or being comfortable with new people some times!? What's wrong with me!? Where's the sense of courage!? Adventure!?

One of my new goals in life is to constantly try new things and put myself out of my comfort zone. So if your going on an adventure drag me along!


P.s. Speaking of dragons, if you have never seen the movie Rein of fire you should! One of my favorites!

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